Retail services and commodities, which heavily rely on professional, scientific, and technical services, is one of the largest industries and one of the most visible to consumers. Even with the economic downturn, retail has been, and will continue to be, one of the largest industries for employment growth. Many positions in the retail management and commodities field require degrees.

The retail management program provides the basic skills needed to manage a variety of retail organizations effectively by developing skills directly related to the industry. The program is designed to focus on interpersonal, managerial, human resource, leadership, communication, and the critical thinking skills necessary to assess and evaluate management practices in the retail industry. College graduates with related experience, a high level of creativity, strong communication skills, and computer skills generally have the best job opportunities within this market. 

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  • Decision Making - Weighing out the options in a situation or a problem and logically choosing the best course of action.
  • Helping - Actively looking for ways to help people.
  • Listening - Paying attention to what other people are saying, and taking time to understand the points being made.
  • Managing Money - Determining how much money is required to get a job done, allocating those monies, and then accounting for all expenditures.
  • Managing People - Assigning duties to others, motivating them, and evaluating their performance.
  • Managing Physical Resources - The ability to make appropriate use of equipment and materials to get a job done.
  • Managing Time - Allocating and budgeting your time for different tasks so that projects get done when needed.
  • Persuasion - Persuading, encouraging, and motivating others to accept your ideas.
  • Problem Solving - Ability to identify a problem, review related information, develop and evaluate options, and implement a solution.
  • Reading Comprehension - The ability to understand complex written paragraphs, instructions, or reports.
  • Reasoning - Using logic to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to problems.
  • Social Perceptiveness - Being aware of the reactions of others and understanding why they react the way they do.
  • Speaking - Talking, giving speeches, or speaking in a group to convey information, explain ideas, or give instructions.
  • Writing and Authoring - Composing and communicating your ideas in written form.

To identify what education or training is typical for careers within the electrical engineering field, use the O*Net hyperlinks below and click on “Job Zone.”

As with all majors, the education you receive serves as a foundation of knowledge that prepares you for what you may face in the professional world. The career field you chose may require additional education or experience.

There are several government agencies and organizations that seek candidates with degrees in retail management. The list below provides a few places one might find employment specific to this degree.

While many of the major job search engines, such as or, will have several positions to choose from, those listed below are specific to this field.

Involvement in professional organizations is a great way to stay up-to-date on new technology, tools, and best practices in your field. Professional organizations can also provide great networking opportunities. Below are a few professional organizations you may be interested in.

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  • National Retail Federation - Facebook